Monday, March 29, 2010

False Labor

Well, today has not turned out the way we were expecting.  We went to Atlanta as planned and had just finished taking the kids to the Coca-Cola museum when our phone rang.  It was our agency calling to let us know there had been some flight delays and we wouldn't be getting Caleb today after all.  So we decided to head back home (with some very disappointed children and parents in the car) and go back to Atlanta in the morning.  He is scheduled to arrive at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon.  Why should Caleb's arrival be any different than my birth children?  I recall going to the hospital 3 times in "labor" with one of my children only to be sent home and told it was false labor.  So, this must be my false labor with Caleb!  However, I'm not leaving Atlanta tomorrow without my son!  I also hope I don't need an epidural before this is all over with!  Love you all and thanks for praying us through this!

I am ready to have this child!!


Waitingfaithfully said...

Praying for all of you sweet friend--Let the real labor begin! :) Tomorrow is Caleb Day in Atlanta!!

Love you,


Serving the King said...

Ok that was hysterical and heartbreaking all at the same time!! So sorry for your yesterday but glad you can wake this morning and know that today is THE day!!!!! CANNOT wait to see pics of that cutie in his momma's arms!

Jenny said...

Yes, even paper pregnancies have false alarms. :-) Can't wait until your son is safely in your arms!!!! WELCOME HOME, CALEB!!!!