Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Well, since it is almost Friday I had better do my thankful Thursday post! We were without internet for the majority of the day and then busy tonight which has left me no time to post. So, I guess the first thing I am thankful for tonight is an internet connection! I can't really post to the blog without a connection!

However, this week the thing I am most thankful for is noise! I know you are thinking, she needs to go to bed who is thankful for noise? Well, I am thankful for noise! This noise we all take for granted Claire is hearing for the first time! Just think about how many sounds that go on around us all day long that we don't even pay attention to. Check out the sounds that Claire is indicating to us that she is hearing..

~the rain hitting our umbrella
~the neighbor dogs barking
~the car radio playing music
~the velcro of her shoes
~the airplanes that fly around our house all day long
~her toy cell phone
~the birds in the yard

I just want to yell, Yippee Jesus, each time she responds to a new sound! Have I told you how much I love this girl? What a joy it is to see (hear) the world through her eyes (ears).

What are you thankful for?


Waitingfaithfully said...

I'm gonna yell Yippeeee Jesus right along with you. Thank you Father God for noise . . . every sweet noise that Claire hears! It is good!!!

Love you guys~


trina said...

I'm thankful for Claire. :) I'm thankful that you share Claire's stories with us so we can be blessed,too.

Sarah said...

I'm thankful for your Thursday posts! Always so encouraging. Hooray for your precious girl!


Elizabeth said...

Great blog! I hope you'll consider adding it to the aggregator at Deaf Village ( -- we'd love to have you as part of our community!