Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thankful Thursday

This Thursday I am thankful for...

~My new niece born to my brother and his wife in Nebraska. Little Riana Joy has joined the family and we are thrilled. Can't wait to meet her!

~We have our van back!! After 2 weeks in the repair shop and $4100 in repairs, it is as good as new! Again, I really don't recommend deer hunting with your family vehicle!

~We have car insurance (see above!). :)

~The hawks are back in our backyard. Every year around this time we have a couple of hawks that hang out in our yard. It is fascinating to watch them. They are a magnificent bird. I took these pictures last year. The hawks are even bigger this year. I haven't been able to capture their picture yet this year.

~We are all still healthy with all of the Swine flu scare that surrounds us. My kiddos schools remained open but the schools surrounding us have been closed for a week and a half. Just a little side note, on Tuesday I had to go to the base clinic and as I walked in they have someone at the door with a mask and gloves on. This person precedes to ask me if I have come for the flu and all I can think is "No, I really don't want the flu but thanks for asking". I realized he was asking if I thought I had the flu but it came across to me as "we are having a free give away at the clinic so if you came to the clinic for the flu you are in luck!" I don't know why my brain translates things like that sometimes! It must be the weird sense of humor I inherited!

1 comment:

Mom to 5 bugs said...

LOVE your "free flu--today only" story! No thanks, we'll pass on that one!
Glad to hear that the kids didn't have to miss school for the flu scare. It's really bad up where my parents live in the Dallas area. They closed my niece's school for several days.
Keep us posted on Claire's progress!