Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thankful Thursday

This Thursday I am thankful for:

~The wonderful weekend I had a few weeks back in Indianapolis.  I went to the Women of Faith conference with a group of ladies from church.  It was a great weekend full of great worship, great speakers, and great friends!  Plus, plenty of laughter.  Isn't laughter just good for the soul?  Well, we sure did laugh and laugh!
Our group outside the arena
The precious babies I got to love on during the weekend

~For sweet reunions with friends.  At the conference, I met up with my dear friend, Jenny!  I hadn't seen Jenny in 4+ years.  It was great to see her again.  I love how we could just pick up and talk like we hadn't been apart at all!  I am especially thankful that Jenny is a breast cancer survivor!  She is 1 year cancer free!

Jenny and I together again!

~For small town parades.  I love parades!  Brianna and Nicholas marched in the local parade so we went to watch.  What fun!  Caleb loved it and waved at everyone that went by.  Claire was into all the candy and beads that were thrown!

Look at him just a waving!

Claire sporting her many beads!

Hunter enjoyed the parade too!
Gary's dad enjoyed the parade with us!
Brianna and Nicholas after the band was finished
How could you not enjoy a parade with this precious smile!?

~For small town carnivals!  Before the parade we enjoyed some of the rides at the carnival!

Hunter and Nicholas ready for the ride!
Yep that is Claire and Brianna!
Claire is riding the dragon coaster.
She really did like it!
I took this of us as we were on a ride!
I took this mid ride too!
Caleb loved this ride.  He is not a daredevil like Claire!

~For good friends!  It was great to move back to an area where we had lived once before because with that came ready made friends!  My friend, Jodi, has been great.  She helped us unpack our many boxes.  She loves on my kids.  She meets me for lunch when my hubby is out of town and I need some adult conversation!  She volunteered to go to a LONG doctor appointment with me so she could help with Claire and Caleb.  I am thankful for her friendship!

I took this picture of us while we were at the Women of Faith conference!

What are you thankful for this week?

1 comment:

Serving the King said...

Hello. I'm jealous. Nice to meet you. ;) LOVE Women of Faith!! So glad you had fun and reconnecting with friends, especially with our transient lifestyles, is the best thing!! So happy for you!!