Tuesday, June 22, 2010

19 Years Ago...

I married my best friend!  I never imagined that when I met Gary that we would move multiple times across the country (we are a week into our newest location!), would give birth to 3 amazing kids, and would adopt 2 more amazing kids!  But God knew, and I'm glad that God brought us together.  The journey has been sweet so far and I can't wait to see where and how God leads us next!  Happy Anniversary, Honey.  Love Ya!


Serving the King said...

Awwww!! How sweet was that?!!! Happy Anniversary!

Mom to 5 bugs said...

Happy Anniversary, dear friend, from the country of your newest one's birth! We're here and in our house. Love, Melissa

Waitingfaithfully said...

Happy Anniversary dear friends! God has indeed led you on a very sweet journey--blessed five times over, in many locations I might add! :)

Thankful to know that you are getting settled. Again. I hope the kiddos are still doing well with their adjustment.

Sure do miss you!

Love from Texas~
