Friday, May 7, 2010

Fab Friday

I can't believe a whole week has passed since last time I blogged.  We have done a lot in this past week like traveled to the state we will be moving to next, found a house to rent, traveled back home, did some home school, laundry, laundry, and laundry!  I completely missed thankful Thursday.  Don't think that I am not thankful because I really truly am but I am just trying to keep up with 5 kids right now!  Someone or something constantly needs my attention so blogging and facebook have been put on the back burner.  Right now, the 2 little ones are eating lunch so I am taking a few minutes to blog!  I should be eating too but hey eating can wait!  Can I go ahead and share a few things I am thankful for even though it is Friday?  Thanks, I knew you would understand.  I am thankful for:

~Digital cameras!  Do you know how hard it is to get 5 kids to pose for a Kod*k moment?  Thanks to digital cameras I can immediately see that we need a redo again and again and again...take these Kod*k moments for example.  First time all of them went swimming and then a visit to a park.
Cute - but wait Caleb is looking the other way
We are getting closer, Caleb is almost looking
Caleb still isn't looking and now Claire and Hunter are sinking!
Finally, that is a wrap!  I'll take it!
Now we have moved outside to the park..
Claire is instructing Caleb on how to stand and smile
Not bad, Caleb is looking down..
That's a wrap!  I'll take it!
You can be thankful that I didn't share with you the actual pictures from the photo shoot!  Believe me it took more than 3 or 4 tries to get the shot with all of them looking!

~We found a rental house at the location we will be moving next!  We only had a few days to look but we were successful and found a house that everyone agreed on.

~That my honey took his last test yesterday!  His professional milit*ry class is finishing up and it is a relief that the tests and papers are done!

~For S*nic Happy Hour!  We love going and getting iced teas, slushes and limeades!  Who can argue with half price drinks?!
Thanks for letting me share some of what I am thankful for with you.  I need to run the little ones are done eating so my blogging time is over!  Until next time!


The Smith Family said...

Yay! You found a house! We are so excited! You'll have to let us know where and when, we'll be glad to help however we can! We thinking your family is amazing, and are excited about getting to see you all again! :)

Waitingfaithfully said...

Perseverence brings sweet pictures! Good job! I too am so very thankful for digital cameras!

So happy that Gary is wrapping things up, and that you found a rental! Thankfulness is just as good on Friday as it is on Thursday! Thanks for taking the time to post!

Love you and miss you~
