Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter from Nebraska

Jesus is Risen!! What a great day here in Nebraska. Can't remember the last time we shared Easter with family. Marcia showed signs of progress today. She is now off the ventilator and breathing on her own, still with the help of oxygen. My brother and Dad went up really early this morning and caught the doctor. He went ahead and looked at Marcia's CT scan from yesterday. Good news...the doctor said there really wasn't anything there and nothing to worry about. Bad news...we still don't know what's causing her breathing problems, the low iron count, and then her heart problems from Friday. Marcia really worked at communicating with us today through a word chart and also by writing on the chart. We loved getting smiles out of her. She also told us she's "angry" and "disappointed" about still being in the hospital and when we leave. She knows there is family in town and she can't be with us all the time. She has a real connnection with my oldest brother right now. He and his wife have spent a lot of quality time with her this past week. I'm very thankful for that. Some specific prayer requests for Marcia and family:

1. Continued improvement with her breathing so she can leave the ICU.
2. She will be able to speak again soon
3. She will be able to eat solid food again
4. Doctors discover what is causing her breathing, heart, and blood issues
5. Marcia will keep the "fight" and "will" to get better
6. Strength for my parents as my brother and I depart over the next couple of days
7. Safe travel for my brother and his family on Monday

Thank you for all of the prayer warriors across the country. We are grateful for your continued prayers and keep reminding Marcia of all the people concerned about her. Thank you for the encouraging comments.


P.S. Claire colored Easter eggs for the first time today after church. She had a blast coloring them, and I think then even more fun eating them. We'll post pictures after we get back home.

1 comment:

Waitingfaithfully said...

Thanks for the update Gary, and for the specific prayer requests. I will continue to pray though them.
Happy to hear that Marcia is seeing improvement, even if it is baby steps. I bet she is angry and disappointed--it's been a very long haul, with still no answers. Praying that the Lord would encourage her heart, and also that she would be encouraged by those around her, be it family or friends, doctors, nurses, the technicians or the cleaning ladies.

Lord please surround Marcia with Your love and peace. Be with those who are close to her and help them to be cheerful, even when it may be hard to do so. Give her smiles Lord, and the will to fight. Please give the doctors wisdom as they continue to look for answers, and please Lord, bring healing to Marcia's body. Be with Marcia's husband Andrew, and with her mom and dad as they continue to take care of her, give them strength. Thank you for this time that all of the family has had together. Please watch over Gary's brother and his wife as they are traveling, and over Robin and Gary and their family as they prepare to travel home soon. Give them all traveling mercies Lord and keep Your angels round about them. Lord I lift up Dale, and his situation too, and ask you to bring him Your healing touch. We thank you Lord that even when we are weak, You are strong, and oh so very Able! In Jesus name, Amen.

Love you guys,

Tina and all