Friday, December 17, 2010

Caleb update

I realized that I haven't updated in awhile on how Caleb has been doing.  He has been with us for 8 months and is doing great. His little big personality is really coming out.  He is constantly making us laugh!  His speech is really improving too.  He goes to speech twice a week and has already reached several goals.  I think the cutest is what he calls the kids.  He has always called Claire by her name; they are best buds after all!  He calls Brianna - Tannah.  He calls Nicholas - Kick.  He calls Hunter - Hunty.  So cute!  I hear several times a day "where's Tannah? where's Kick? where's Hunty? where's Claire? and where's Daddy?"  When they come home he yells their name and runs and wraps his arms around their legs!  Ahhh, I know just the sweetest right?  He is picking up sign language too.  Sometimes his little fingers have a hard time but he knows a lot of signs already.  The little stinker still isn't gaining weight.  He is staying steady at 24 pounds. He is still wearing 18 month sizes with a few 24 months.  If only they made belts for little ones his size.  Poor thing can't keep his pants up!  People are shocked when I tell them he is 3 years old.  We are beginning to think his bad teeth may be part of the problem.  He has oral surgery scheduled for February 21.  That is the earliest date they had available.  In the meantime, we have been giving him Pediasure to supplement his diet.  He goes in spurts where he hardly eats anything.  He is on one of those now. 

Well, I guess that is a good update for now!  I wish all of you could meet him.  You would love him to pieces just like we do!
Here Caleb is dancing...he loves to dance!

 My sweet boy!

1 comment:

Serving the King said...

ooooo I want to meet that sweet boy!!!