Sunday, March 28, 2010

Making our list and checking it twice!

Has this been the looongest weekend ever?  It has felt that way to us for some strange reason!  Maybe because we just can't wait for it to be Monday and for us to be heading to the airport!  It has been very productive though and we have crossed things off of our to-do list.  Here is a look at our list:

1.  Gary comes home from Afr!ca!  Check

The kids made this to welcome Gary home!
It is so hard to stay awake waiting for Daddy to get home!
He didn't get home until 12:30am but with her nap she was ready to go!
We he did get home she ran around the living room screaming and then she ran to the door and was jumping up and down and was clapping.  The minute the door was open she ran out to him and wrapped her arms around his legs.  So sweet!  I guess she missed her Daddy!
2.  Surprise Gary with the news of Caleb arriving!  Check
We really did surprise him with the news.  We made him cover his eyes and then we put him in front of the sign the kids made.  We could tell the minute the information that he was reading sunk in.  His expression turned to shock!  It was priceless.  Brianna captured some of it on video!
3.  Get haircuts so we are photo ready for the big day!  Check

4.  Go shopping for "gotcha day" airport items.  Check
We went to T*rget and found a few items for the airport when we first meet Caleb.  We got a trusty mini magna doodle.  Claire loved hers and it was a huge icebreaker.  We found a cell phone where we could record messages that play on the phone.  We also found a truck.  I think all little boys like trucks!
5.  Meet friends for lunch on Saturday.  Check

These sweet friends are just starting the adoption process.  We are so excited for them!
6.  Learn a few basic K*rean phrases and words from friends.  Check
Brianna recorded some of the ones we thought we would really need on her phone.  Our friends also gave us a CD of K*rean that we can listen to on our way to the airport.
7.  Go shopping again, this time to a K*rean market looking for food that may be familiar to Caleb.  Check
We found some dried seaweed, which we know he likes (Claire too), some crackers, and some rice porridge.
8.  Go to church and thank God for the blessing of children.  Check 
9.  Blog and remind my friends that tomorrow is the big day!  Check


Waitingfaithfully said...

I can hardly stand it! I can't even imagine what you guys are feeling! Praying that you get at least a little sleep, and that your Monday night comes quickly!

Praying for Caleb, as he travels, and for his escort. Praying for his foster parents as they feel Caleb's loss. Praying for sweet Claire, as big sisterhood awaits her. Praying for Caleb's waiting mama, that the "labor pains" aren't too tough. :) Praying for Caleb's family as they say goodbye to six, and prepare to become a family of seven!!! Waiting on those first pictures . . .

SO excited for you guys!

Much love,


Serving the King said...

CANNOT WAIT!!!!! SO happy for all of you!!!! Praying for an amazing day today!! Great post!! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Make Aunt Pam cry again. Check. Oh yes, the tears are welling up as I read this. My girls were so excited to hear that you will be moving closer, so hopefully we can meet Caleb sooner than we expected!!! :-)
Love you all,
The Reicks gang

Taylor and Frankie Rodriguez said...

Oh my! Too exciting! Love the sweet sign!

trina said...

I'm waiting for the news!!!!

sierrasmom said...

Can't wait until I see you all together!!! What happy news. It must have been awesome to surprise Dad!!!
Hugs and more hugs!!

Mom to 5 bugs said...

Is it TIME? Is it TIME? Is it TIME?........It's TIME!!! (:
GO get Caleb!
(Then post photos!)