Friday, January 8, 2010

My kids need your help!

My kids need your help to win a writing contest!!! Please check out this website and vote for Nicholas and Brianna. They are entered in a writing contest about life in the Air F*rce. You can vote once everyday! Please vote often. Nicholas has 2 entries. Look for his name Nicholas H. Vote for your favorite! Brianna has 1 entry. Look for her name Brianna H. Once you are at the website click on "read and vote" and then click on "youth 12-17”. You can vote everyday until February 14. Please read their stories and vote! Vote, vote, vote! Thanks! I will let you know if they win!

Click here to vote!

1 comment:

Waitingfaithfully said...

Votes are cast!! Great job Brianna and Nicholas!

On another note . . . a Caleb note--praying for Immigration to hurry up already so that the cutest little boy in Korea, can soon be the cutest little boy in Alabama . . . with a Cornhusker's heart of course! ;)

Love you guys~
