Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thankful Thursday

This thankful Thursday I am going to give you an update on Miss Claire. I am thankful everyday that God picked her out for our family. I am a blessed mom indeed with all 4 of my treasures.

I am thankful for:

~The International Adoption Clinic that we have connected with here in Alabama. We took Claire there on Monday and it was comforting to hear from the "experts" that Claire is doing very well considering her rough start in the orphanage. I am so thankful that our daughter's heart is healing and she is making great strides.

~The Hear Center in Birmingham. We have been amazed with the way Claire is tolerating her cochlear implant processor so much better since going to the Hear Center. One day she even told me thank you when I put it on her! That was definitely a first.

~Claire is talking more and more! She is starting to imitate animals sounds. She can imitate a cow, a dog, a duck, and a cat. She is also starting to ask where sounds are coming from. She is also starting to distinguish our voices! She says the sweetest prayers. The kids take turns praying at meal time and so Claire wants to take a turn to. Well, she prays her prayer with such intensity. I am thankful that the Holy Spirit translates prayers! I'm sure she is giving God an earful! Sometimes after speaking her prayer she will then sign her prayer!

~Claire is continuing to learn more and more signs. She has been teaching the kids at AWANA how to do the verses for Cubbies in sign language. Have I mentioned how smart this girl is?!

~Claire lives life with such gusto! This girl of ours brings such joy to all who are around her. You can't be around her long without breaking into a big smile. I'm so thankful that I am her mom!

Claire after her basketball game..Claire living life with gusto...
Brianna and Claire at the Fall Fest at church..

Claire and Hunter..the cutest ladybug and ninja...Claire enjoying the rides at the Fall Fest..

What are you thankful for this Thursday?


Sarah said...

I so love that Claire wants to pray along with everyone else! What a sweet, precious, vivacious little girl!


sierrasmom said...

Beautiful post!! I too am thankful for a little girl who has so won us over!!! I can not imagine this family without her in it. We are both soooo blessed!!!