Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thankful Thursday (prayer request at bottom of post)

Wow, thankful Thursday is starting to sneak up on me. Are these weeks going by faster than ever before or is it just me? This Thursday, I am thankful for...

~laughter~I love to laugh and I love, love, love the sound of my children's laughter! I've always thought that life it too stressful to take it so seriously so take time to laugh this Thursday.

~Marcia~Drum roll please! She is going home tomorrow after being in the hospital since February!!!!! She is also going home without a tracheotomy, without oxygen, and without a breathing machine. Isn't God awesome? I know that God is still in the miracle business He has shown me that much with Marcia. Thanks for praying!

~Thanksgiving dinner~Yes, I said Thanksgiving dinner. A few weeks ago we had a Thanksgiving dinner with our dear friends from church, Barb and Larry. We had all of the traditional thanksgiving fixings. We all love thanksgiving dinner so why only have it once a year?

~ringing telephones~Not because people are calling us but because Claire heard the phone ringing for the first time this week and she told us that it was ringing! She is responding to more and more sounds all of the time. It is so much fun to see the expression on her face change when she is hearing a new sound.

~15 more days of school~I am ready for the break and I know that my kids are ready for it too! Next year, I will be homeschooling so it will be a year of adventure and change. I'm really nervous about it but excited as well.

Now it is your turn to tell me what are you thankful for?

Prayer request:
Last weekend, my Aunt Doris and Uncle Larry were involved in a head-on collision near Hutchinson, Kansas. My Uncle has a broken sternum and broken ribs and has been released from the hospital. My Aunt is still in the hospital in Wichita with broken ribs and an injured liver. Plus, now her lungs are starting to fill up with fluid so they will be putting in a chest tube to help drain the fluid. My Aunt has a rare lung condition anyway so would you please pray that she does not develop pneumonia? Also, my Uncle's mother didn't survive the accident. Please pray for my Uncle as he is recovering and as he is dealing with the loss of his mother. The driver of the other car is okay. He suffered a broken nose. He is only 19 and the accident was his fault but he wasn't drinking or being reckless, it was just an unfortunate accident. My Aunt and Uncle do not want charges to be filed on the young man but the police are still investigating. Please pray for the young man. He is struggling with the fact that people were hurt and someone died. Thanks in advance for your prayers.


Jenn said...

Praying for your Aunt and Uncle and the young man. What a difficult thing for everyone involved.

What wonderful news that Claire is hearing more! That is awesome!


Sarah said...

So glad that Marcia is going home!! And also that Claire is hearing so much more.

I'll be praying for your Uncle, Aunt and the young man involved in the accident.


Waitingfaithfully said...

Praying, dear friend, for your loved ones and the young man who was involved. What a tough situation, for many.

Praising Him for Claire's continuing "new sounds", and for laughter. Ahhh yes, laughter!!

Love you! Thanks for sharing.


Mom Of Many said...

I am thrilled that Marcia is going home. I am doubly thrilled for the new sounds Claire is hearing - YIppee Jesus!!

I will pray for your aunt and uncle and the driver. What a horrible situation. Thank you for sharing it so we can pray too.