Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday

It is time for my Thankful Thursday post but I can hardly sit still because I am so excited after visiting my friend's, Melissa's blog. So the first thing I am thankful for is:

1. Katie is going home! She is an orphan no longer. Melissa just posted that they have the final adoption decree in their hand! Tomorrow afternoon (our Thursday night) Katie will leave the orphanage forever and her new life with her forever family will begin. Thank you, Jesus. They still have a lot of paperwork to get done but they know that Katie is theirs!

Everything else that I am thankful for may pale in comparsion to that but I still have more that I am thankful for!

2. I am thankful for flowers. Last week, my dear, sweet husband had been out of town all week and when he returned home he held in his hands beautiful roses. His flight was late getting home but he still took the time to stop and pick up flowers.

Aren't these roses gorgeous?

3. I am thankful for rain. This morning I woke to the sound of rain. Yes, it is a cold rain but we haven't had rain in so long that I'll take the cold for the refreshing rain.

4. I am thankful that Marcia made it through her surgery fine. She is still in ICU but no longer on the ventilator. I am also thankful that the mass doesn't seem to be cancerous.

5. I am thankful that I got to spend time at the kids' school this week. It was public school week so they had special activities planned.

Hunter and Dad

Hunter and Mom - yes he hears that he looks like me all the time!

Hunter reading to us. Isn't he cute with Dad's hat on?

Nicholas really didn't want me taking pictures - but that's what moms do, right?

Nicholas and Claire at school - Claire is in to posing can you tell? I guess she learned it from her big brother!

Brianna and Claire (Claire is signing I Love You)

6. Lastly, I am thankful that Claire wore her implant all day yesterday without fighting it. I used a small headband to help keep it on her ear and it worked great. We still need to figure out how to keep it on so she won't have to wear a headband forever. However, I figure it is more important that she wear it without the frustration of it falling off. She brought it to me to put on after her nap. I think that is a good sign. We are watching for signs that she is overstimulated but so far so good.

Here is a picture the day of activation. We didn't get very good pictures of the actual processor on her. We spent more time video taping than taking pictures. I'll try to get a picture but it is pink and very girly!

Here are some pictures of her external processor. See how I have the headband holding it to her ear? Well, it is working for now. She is too active and it was constantly falling off; not anymore though.

We still have some video of Claire that we want to post so be on the look out!
What are you thankful for today?


trina said...

How cute is that...all pink. So happy to here good news about Marcia.

Anonymous said...

thank you for your prayers and good wishes! We are on our way to the orphanage in less than an hour and Katie will be "home forever". Love the new photos of all the kids, esp. Claire. So great to hear that her implant seems to be going well.

Sarah said...

Great news regarding Katie!

The roses are gorgeous. What a sweet hubby!

Hooray for Claire's hearing!
